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Urinary Tract Infection And Ayurveda Treatment, Precaution & Management

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The urinary system is our body’s drainage system for removing wastes and extra water. Our urinary system comprises 2 kidneys, 2 ureters, 1 urinary bladder, and a urethra. Infection can happen in part of this system and is termed Urinary Tract Infection. Urinary tract infections happen microbes such as bacteria, and viruses overcome the lively defense and enter the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections or UTI’s is the second most common infection that happens in human.

Both the kidneys and ureters form the upper part of the urinary tract which is called the upper Urinary tract. The bladder and urethra form the lower part of the urinary tract are known as lower urinary tract.

Microbes are germs that invade our body & enter the urinary tract and cause discomfort and urinary problem that range from pain or burning sensation on parring to urine to high bone & chills depending upon the security and location of the infection. Bacteria are usually the microbes that cause UTIs, but fungi and in rare cases viruses can cause UTI’s.

Lower urinary tract infections are most common and can resolve on their own or with medication in a week or so. But if UTI is in the upper urinary tract, is, involves kidneys – the symptoms can be severe and takes more time to resolve.

Depending on the area of the infection, UTI can be classified as: –

  1. Urethritis – Infection in the urethra.
  2. Cystitis – Infection in the urinary bladder.

Symptoms of UTI’s

Depends upon the area of infection: –

  1. Upper Urinary Tract Infection
  1. Lower Urinary Tract Infections

Women are more prone to UTI’s than men because of the unique features of female anatomy.

  1. Shorter Urethra – Females have a shorter urethra compared to men and the urethra is placed close to both vagina and anus. Bacteria occur around the anus and vagina naturally and hence is easy to get infected.
  2. Sex – Penetrative sex can put more pressure on the female urinary tract and can move the bacteria from the anus to the bladder and can cause UTIs.
  3. Birth Control Measures – Such as condoms, spermicides, etc., can change the vaginal microbiome and can increase the chances of UTI.
  4. Menopause – With menopause, the estrogen levels in the body decrease, and along with there can be changes in vaginal pain and bacteria – hence the chances of UTI increases.

Other Risk Factors for Developing UTI’s

  1. Old age.
  2. Reduced mobility or prolonged bed rest.
  1. Anything that caused destruction or blockage to the urinary tract such as:-

Common Causes of UTI’s

The urinary tract is caused by microorganisms – bacteria, fungi and in rare cases viruses. E Coli bacteria found in small intestines is the causative factor of 90% of urinary bladder infections.

Complications of UTI

Diagnosis of UTI

If your doctor suspects you have UTI, she/he will advise you on the following tests for an accurate diagnosis: –

Management of UTIs

Ayurveda and UTI

According to Ayurveda, any disease affecting the kidneys and the urinary tract is classified as Mutravaha stroto roga.

In particularly, difficulty or discomfort while passing urine is termed as Mutrakrichra.

Mutra – Urine

Krichra – Difficulty passing

Pcod treatment in Ayurveda explains Mutrakrichra happens due to vitiated doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) entering the urinary bladder and causing constriction, obstruction, pressure or irritation in the Mutramarga (urinary passage) and causing difficulty in urination. This condition is termed Mutrakrichra.

Depending on the doshas that are vitiated, different types of mutrakrchra (dysuria) is explained: –

UTI according to Ayurveda are identified as any of the above 8 varieties of Mutrakrchra, and the treatment is based on the cause.

Also, in any of the diseased caused in the lower part or pelvic region of the body, there is also an involvement of Apana vata according to Ayruveda. Hence therapies that normalize the apana vata is also opted for treatment for UTI.

Ayurvedic Management of Mutrakrchra / UTI

Ayurveda has a holistic approach on management of any diseases and hence include a combination of

1) Shodhana Therapies – Internal cleansing

2) Shamana therapies – External

3) Dietary changes.

4) Lifestyle changes.

 Shodhana Therapies

Ayurveda does the root cause correction and hence elimination of the accumulated toxins is the first line of treatment which is done through our panchakarma procedure.

Panchakarma therapies include the following steps: –

Shamana Therapies

Post-cleaning, internal medication is stated that tones up the organs in the urinary tract and improve their functioning. Also, the medicines that normalized the function of apana vays can also be started.

Commonly used Ayurvedic medications for UTI are: –

Diet advised for UTI

Prevention of UTI

Yoga asanas advised in UTI

Yoga asanas that strengthen the pelvic floor muscle and the urinary system include: –

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