Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a multisystem disorder with complications and the prevalence of which is increasing globally. Changed lifestyle, sedentary life, having a lot of junk foods, and weight gain are the main factors that are responsible for causing diabetes. It is a chronic metabolic condition in which the body is unable to adequately utilize glucose, resulting in Hyperglycemia and sugar in the urine. In Ayurveda the disorder comes under the section of prameha. Ayurveda describes the etiology, pathogenesis, prognosis, complications and management in detail
Presenting complaints:
- Elevated blood glucose level in the last 4 years
- Numbness of both palms in the last 1 year
- General weakness in the last 1 year
H/O Presenting complaints:
A 58 years old female patient came with complaints of increased blood glucose levels for 4 years. Also, numbness of both palms and general weakness in the past 1 year. No history of HTN, joint pains, etc. She was on allopathic medication for 4 years and sugar was under control. One year before developed numbness in my palms. At first, she neglected the symptoms but later the symptoms get aggravated and her sugar level also aggravated. So she consulted here for better management.
Vital Parameters:
BP: 130/90mm of hg Pulse: 82/min
Height: 158cm Weight:70 Kg
Ahara: Mixed diet
Vihara: No exercises
Appetite: Good
Micturition: More at night
Bowel: Normal
Sleep: Good
General Systemic examination:
Gait: Normal GC: Normal CVS: S1S2 heard
CNS: Oriented to place and time
RS: NVBS heard PA: Soft, No Organomegaly
FBS: 172 mg/dl
PPBS: 210 mg/dl
Dasavidha Pariksha:
Prakruthi: Kapha vata
Vikrutha Dosha: Kapha Vata Pitha
Dushya: Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medas, Sira
Sara: Medosara
Samhanana: Pravara
Satva: Madhyama
Aharasakthi: Abhyavaharanasakthi- Pravara
Jaranasakthi- Madhyama
Vyayamasakthi: Madhyama
Vaya: Sampoornatha
Pramana: Pravara
Ashtavidha Pariksha:
Nadi: Vridha
Mala: Nirama
Mutra: Ati (5-6/Day, 2-3/Night)
Jihwa: Alipta
Sabda: Sadharana
Sparsha: Anushnasita
Drik: Sadharana
Akruthi: Ati
Nidana Panchaka:
Nidana: Ahara – Snigdha, Kledakara and Madhurarasa pradhana aharas
Vihara – Avyayama
Purvarupa: Excess urination
Rupa: Excess urination, Elevated blood sugar
Upasaya- Less sugar intake
Samprapthi Gataka:
Dosha: Kapha Vata Pitha
Dushya: Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medas, Sira
Agni: Jataragni, Dhatwagni
Ama: Sama
Srotas: Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Mamsavaha, Medovaha, Siravaha
Srotodushtiprakara: Sanga, Vimargagamana
Sadhyasadhyata: Yapya
Samprapthi Flow Chart:
Kaphakopa and Vata Pitha vridhi
Shithilatwa of sarva sareera
Rasa Rakta Mamsa Medodhathu dushti→Kledodushti↓
↓ Prabhtavilamutrata
Diagnosis: Prameha
Treatments given:
By considering the amavastha, srotorodha, avaranatva and aggravated doshas of the body, treatments are given as follows. Management includes internal and external treatments along with pathyapathya ahara viharas.
1-9 days
Snehapana for 5 days
Abhyanga and Bashpasweda for 3 days
10- 21 days
Diabetic diet
Outcome scales after 21 days of treatment:
Symptoms | Before Treatment | After Treatment |
Weight | 70Kg | 66Kg |
FBS | 172mg/dl | 130mg/dl |
PPBS | 210mg/dl | 152 mg/dl |
Numbness of palms | Medium | Low |
General weakness | Medium | Absent |
Micturition | 2-3/Night | 1/Night |
After 21 days of inpatient treatment, the patient’s FBS and PPBS have reduced. Weight also reduced (4Kg). Advised her to continue internal medications, diet, and exercises for the next two weeks. She came for review after 2 weeks and her FBS was reduced to 114mg/dl and PPBS to 140mg/dl.
Ayurveda has a unique approach to Diabetes treatment which includes diet, medicines, exercises and Panchakarma procedures. and it works if you stick to them without stopping.