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Delivering a baby is an experience of a lifetime and it comes with a lot of changes to your body. The post-natal or post-partum period is the period that occurs immediately after childbirth. It is a critical period in a mother’s life but often neglected. Proper management and care for the mother and newborn are vital.


ACUTE PHASE- The greatest health risk during this phase is bleeding. It is also termed ‘lochia’, which is the vaginal bleeding after giving birth that includes bloody fluid made up of blood, placental tissue, sloughed-off endometrial lining and mucous. It continues for 3-6 weeks. Lochia can be further divided into three.

They are namely ‘Lochia Rubra’ which lasts for 3-4 days after delivery and is bright red, or dark red in color, ‘Lochia Serosa’ – which lasts for 4-10 days post-delivery and is pinkish brown in color and blood flow will lighten than before and ‘Lochia alba’ is the bleeding which lasts from 10 to 28 days postpartum with a whiteish yellow color. The infant’s condition is evaluated at this stage. ‘KANGAROO CARE’ is advised during this stage i.e., skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant, it helps in establishing bonding and successful breastfeeding.

SUB–ACUTE POSTPARTUM PERIOD During this phase hemorrhoids and constipation are common. More chances of postpartum infections which may lead to sepsis. So utmost care should be taken to prevent infections. Another important condition is urinary incontinence, more seen in women who deliver vaginally than in cesarean. So pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises can be practiced. The major risk is ‘deep vein thrombosis’ for which anticoagulants are prescribed for those mothers who have a history of thrombotic episodes. Psychological disorders also emerge during this phase which will be explained later in this article.

LATE PHASE / DELAYED POSTPARTUM PERIOD – During this phase the muscles and other vascular tissues return to normality. The estrogen levels drop during this phase and can lead to hair loss mainly in the temple area. Postpartum thyroiditis is also common during this period.



The most common physical changes a mother undergoes include

Breast pain, constipation, and infections are other common complications during the post-partum period. Stool softeners are advised during this period.


Some of the women struggle with their mental health as they undergo transition to motherhood. The most common disorders are –

This is managed with anti-depressant medications, socializing, exercise, and good nutrition. It is important to identify the depression early so that treatment can be started at the earliest. Studies have shown when the mother is depressed the greater the delay in the infant’s development. The first year following birth is a critical time in the cognitive development of the newborn. Thus, social support to the mother is a vital factor the prevention of post-partum depression.


After the baby is delivered and the placenta is expelled, the woman is referred to as Sutika. ‘Sutika Kala’ refers to the period after delivery when maternal physiological and anatomical changes return to the non-pregnant state. ‘SUTIKA PARICHARYA’ refers to post-natal care.

The post-natal care includes AHARA CHARYA, VIHARA CHARYA, OUSHADHA CHARYA, YOGASANA, some PATHYA and APATHYA etc. The principles in sutika paricharya includes taking care of the digestive fire i.e., agni deepana and pachana, nourishing regimens ie., raktadhatu poshana, regimens to increase quantity and quality of breast milk i.e., stanya vardhana, protecting the genital organs i.e., yoni sodhana, garbhasaya sodhana and koshtasodhana, and helping the mother to achieve strength physically and mentally.


Most of the ayurvedic acharyas advise fasting on the first day after delivery of the child i.e., for 24 hours. When the woman feels hungry, she shall be given ghee or til oil mixed with powder of ginger, piper longum, piper longum root, piper retrofractum and plumbago zeylanica – these are known as Panchakola churna and will help in improving digestion. It should be followed by drinking warm water mixed with jaggery or cumin seeds or ajwain seeds. This can be given for 3-5 days from delivery.

The food to be taken should be warm and easily digestible and make sure to avoid cold items such as ice-cream and refrigerated food items as they lead to indigestion. The recommended food for first 2 days is ‘Pippalyadi yavagu’ it is a gruel made with rice processed with pippalyadi churna and ghee.

From the third day onwards, she can have rava porridge, rice, rasam with ghee and medicated milk . Satavari powder can be used to process the milk as it had breast milk-enhancing properties.

From the fourth day onwards kichadi with ghee can be consumed, and Pongal can also be included in the diet. In the first week of ‘suthika kala’ the above-said food items can be administered starting with the medicated ghee mixture followed by medicated milk intake and then the porridges.

From the seventh day onwards ‘Brimhana’ or nourishing food has to be started namely ‘vidarigandhadi yavagu’- gruel prepared with vidarigandhadi group of drugs boiled in milk and ghee. the 9th day, shali and mamsa-rasa that means cooked shali rice, barley, horse-gram and meat soup can be taken depending on the digestion of the mother. Commonly used herbs include

II] VIHARA CHARAYA – Lifestyle Regimens

The vihara can be mainly classified as

These regimens should be continued for at least one month. The puerperal woman / suthika should avoid anger, coitus, cold air and excessive exercise. Using an abdominal bandage will help to strengthen the back, supports uterus and ligaments. Rest is also an important factor.

III] OUSHADHA CHARYA – MEDICINES – For oushadha intake make sure that the mother consults an ayurvedic physician. All ayurvedic medicines are recommended after assessing the agnibala i.e., the digestion of the mother. Some of the generic medicines are

IV] YOGASANA – Start the exercises with basic stretching of the neck, arms, shoulder, knees, and ankles. Follow breathing exercises, starting with nadisudhi pranayama. Practicing meditation daily will help in managing post-partum depression.

Some of the asanas that can help in strengthening the abdominal muscles are


This can be defined as the dos and don’ts during the puerperium period.

  1. Warm water shower
  2. Drinking warm water and consuming warm food
  1. Oil massaging
  2. Intake of processed ghee
  3. Medicated fomentation


  1. Consuming cold and refrigerated foods
  2. Intercourse
  1. Mental stress
  2. Excessive exercise
  3. Anger, grief etc.,


Thus, mothers need special care after giving birth to a baby. Transitioning into motherhood is a life-altering experience for every woman. Following special regimens will help the puerperal women to regain strength and to take good care of the newborn. Always try to contact a doctor when necessary. Ayurvedic medicines need to be taken under the advice of an ayurvedic physician.


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