Headache disorders are the most common among neurological disorders. They are the most undervalued, under diagnosed and under treated disorders throughout the whole world. One of the most common among the primary headache disorders is migraine. Migraine is seen mostly in people if age group 15 to 55.Also migraine headaches are seen more among women than men due to the constant hormonal changes happening in the female body. Migraine headaches are not as such life threatening life issues but they are powerful enough to interfere with the day to day life of the person and make his / her life challenging.


Migraine headaches/attacks are characterized by intense throbbing or pulsating pain mostly on one side of the head or also on both sides. An alert symptom called as Aura usually happens before or during the attack. Migraine attacks without the aura is also noticed. Visual disturbances such as light flashes or dark spots, tingling sensation or weakness in the face are some of the features of the aura.


*The exact cause behind migraine attacks is unknown. Excessive stimulation of brain and blood vessels results in migraine.

*Most researches link to the possibility of abnormal changes in the levels of certain substances produced in the brain as a cause of migraine.

*Drop in serotonin levels which plays an active role in pain regulation is seen during migraine attacks.

*Similarly trigeminal nerve involvement is also likely during the attack.

Migraine attacks usually get initiated with certain factors or events collectively called TRIGGERS. 

Triggers do vary from person to person. Some of the commonly observed triggers are:

1.Weather changes

2.Skipped meals

3.Stress and Anxiety

4.Sleep disturbances

5.Menstrual cycle and related hormonal changes

  1. Strong odors, loid noises and bright lights

7.Beverages like caffeine, alcohol, etc. ( attacks happen when used too much or even during withdrawal)

8.Certain foods and drinks


Migraine is a progressive disorder, ie, it happens in stages. The different stages of migraine are:





The progression to different stages are subtle that it is difficult to differentiate in some people while in some progression is significantly marked. It is also not necessary that people suffering from migraine goes through all these stages.


* The first phase of migraine; also called as pre headache.


   Mood changes/  Depressed moods



   Food cravings

   Sensitivity to light and sound

   Trouble concentrating

   Muscle stiffness and neck pain

This phase is often not recognized by many. Proper observation and awareness about these changes can help in apt reaction on the upcoming migraine attack.


* Usually happens before or during the attack.

* Includes visual disturbances or vision loss.

* Difficulty speaking

* Weakness or numbness of the face or one part of the body.


* can happen during any time of the day

* lasts for about 4-72 hours

* characterized by

Throbbing or puldating pain in head ( one sided or both sides)

 Nausea & vomiting

 Sensitivity to light, sound and in some people towards smell and touch.


Severe fatigue, confusions and totally drained off energy, etc. are seen after the attacks.


Vata is the dosha responsible for pain. So in migraine impaired vata dosha plays a major role along with the other doshas involved.

ARDHAVABHEDAKA & SURYAAVARTHA are the 2 types of diseases of head that can be corelated to migraine.

ARDHAVABHEDAKA: [Ardha – half & Avabhedaka- penetrating pain]

* Doshas involved- vata and kapha

*The vitiated doshas get lodged in half portion of the head and causes the pain

*Progression of this kind of headache can even cause severe visual and audio impairment.

SURYAAVARTHA : [Surya- sun & Avartha- blockage]

* This kind of headache gets started with sunrise, peaks during noon hours and reduces by evening.

* In this kind of headache all


Ayurveda provides an integrated approach in the management of any diseases. Various aspects of the diseases and person including the root cause, life style, age and occupation are all considered with the treatment- internal as well as external.

Agni Ayurvedic Village provides the best Ayurvedic panchakarma therapies for migraine in Mumbai. An internal cleansing to ward off toxins is the initial step of treatment followed by internal medications for balancing the vitiated doshas are initiated.

Our treatment protocols for Migraine includes:

1.VIRECHANAM: A complete body detox after proper snehana (oleation- internally and externally) and swedana (fomentation).

2.SNEHANASYAM: Instillation of medicated oils to the nostrils helps in clearing the head and nasal pathways and also nourishes the brain cells.

3.SHIRODHARA:Helps in calming down the nervous system- includes pouring of thin stream of liquid over the forehead and scalp.

4.SHIROVASTI:Retaining medicated oils over the scalp using caps fitted over the scalp

5.HIROLEPAM: Medicated pastes are applied over the scalp.

6.KAVALAGRAHA/ OIL PULLING: Helps in reducing the tension in the facial muscles and strengthening them.

Along with these external therapies, internal medications are also started parallel.

Migraine treatment in Agni includes advising life style changes, yoga and diet align with the treatments which makes us one of the best centres providing Ayurvedic treatment for migraine in India.


* Resting in a quiet, dark room

*Applying warm or cold compress over the head and neck

* Drinking ample amount of water- during the attack

* Mild temporal massage

*Try meditating

* Inhaling soothening aromas like lavender


1.Know your triggers- proper observation on the triggers and avoiding them helps in reducing the intensity of attacks.

2.Regular exercising

3.Practising Yoga

4.Consistent sleep routine

5.Eating ginger

6.Drinking caffeine( not regular)

7.Adding magnesium to diet.


1.Get enough sleep

2.Regular exercise and yoga

3.Proper meal timings and don’t skip meals

4.Keep a headache dairy and observe the triggers and avoid them

5.Keep hydrated- make sure to drink 2-3 l of water everyday.


1.Hastapadasana(Standing forward bend)

2.Setubandasana(Bridge pose)

3.Balasana(Child pose)

4.Marjariasana(Cat stretch)

5.Paschimothanasana(2 legged forward bend)

6.Adhomukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog)

7.Padmasana( Lotus pose )

8.Shavasana (Corpse pose)


10.Pranayama- Breathing exercises


Migraine headaches though not a life threatening condition, it challenges the day to day routine of an individual. It affects mostly the people of age group 15-55yrs which is considered to be the productive period of life. Reduced productivity, lost working hours, and so economical burden are thus a part of people with migraine. The functional impairment associated with migraine can disrupt the daily routines, family activities and even affect his/her relationships. Proper diagnosis and apt treatment for migraine headaches are thus a necessity.


*Most people depends upon over-the-counter medicines to get relief from migraine pain, thus neglecting proper migraine treatment.

* It is seen that with time, the intensity of migraine attacks reduces as the age progresses. Migraine attacks can thus be managed and the frequency and intensity can be reduced with proper awareness of the disease.

*Keeping a headache dairy, where the different aspects such as time, intensity, triggers noticed, etc. are recorded. This helps in identifying the triggers and avoiding them, hence reducing the chances of attack.

* Developing a healthy life routine including proper yoga and exercises, regular meal timings, proper hydration and getting proper sleep helps in managing migraine attacks.

* Regular check up and ensuring apt levels of vitamins and minerals are also necessary.

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