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Ayurvedic Skin Treatment

Winter season having chilly winds. The nights are longer and days are shorter. According to Ayurveda recognize the three doshas that is vata, pita and kapha. Each dosha is associated with specific qualities and elements and maintaining the balance of our body. A proper balance of the doshas is essential for overall physical and mental health. In the winter season the doshas get imbalanced due to environmental changes.

In winter season the skin became dryer and the skin appears to age. The Common symptoms include dryness, cracking, dullness, and roughness of the skin. Moisturizing the body becomes important in winter season we can use coconut oil or olive oil for it. During the winter season, the Vata dosha tends to be more predominant Vata is associated with qualities like cold, dry, light, and erratic.


The skin is to be drier and rougher. It requiring moisturizing with coconut oil. For these skin Ashwagandha supplements can also give.

The skin is more prone to the allergies and a wide range of skin disorders. For these skins cooling treatment is done with Chandana, Kumari (alovera) etc

In winter season kapha dosha gets m balanced this will makes to increase oiliness and dullness this might leads to blackheads, pimples, or cystic acne.


Dry skin lacks the necessary lipids to keep moisture in and provide a protective barrier against external influences. As a result of the barrier’s function is disturbed. Dry skin comes in a variety of degrees of severity and kinds that aren’t always easily distinguishable. The degree of sweat and the water supply into the deeper layers of the skin determine the skin’s moisture.

The term ‘normal’ refers to skin that is well-balanced. People with this skin type may have oily qualities in their T-zone, which includes the forehead, nose, and chin. Despite this, sebum and skin moisture are in equilibrium. The skin would be neither too dry nor excessively greasy under these circumstances. A typical skin type has narrow pores and a soft, velvety, and smooth texture, allowing for good blood circulation.

The term “oily” is frequently used to describe a kind of skin that produces more sebum. Oily skin is frequently accompanied by larger, visible pores that shine brightly. A light complexion is one of the other characteristics. The blood vessels may not be seen in such circumstances. Blackheads and whiteheads, as well as numerous forms of acne, are common in oily skin. Mild acne can be present on the face, as well as the throat, shoulders, and chest.

These skin types have a wide range of T-zone and cheek features, ranging from a very narrow zone to a significantly enlarged area. Sebum overproduction triggers the oilier parts of the mixed skin type. The combination skin might be dried out due to a lack of adequate sebum and a lipid deficit.

The ayurvedic skin treatment are based on the types of skin


Dry Skin

Oily Skin

Combination Skin

Sensitive Skin

Normal Skin

These are the some ayurvedic treatment for skin in winter season


Dietary Adjustments

  1. Vata: Focus on warm, cooked, nourishing foods. Include healthy fats and oils, root vegetables, and spices like Sunthi or Adrak, Tvak, and
  2. Pitta: While Pitta is less likely to be aggravated in winter, maintain a balance with warm but not overly hot or spicy foods. Favour Madura, Tikta, and Kashaya rasa.
  3. Kapha: Since Kapha can increase in winter, incorporate light, warm, and dry foods. Think of cooked grains like barley and millet, and spices like Haridra, Maricha, and Jeeraka to stimulate digestion.

Lifestyle Practices

  1. Sleep: Vata types need plenty of rest but should avoid sleeping during the day. Kapha, which can lead to sluggishness, should avoid excessive sleep, especially during the day.
  2. Yoga and Breathing: Practices like yoga can be very beneficial. Vata types should focus on slow, grounding poses, while Kapha types may benefit from more vigorous activities to keep their energy levels up.
  3. Pranayama (breath control exercises) can be particularly helpful. Nadi Shoshana (alternate nostril breathing) is good for balancing Vata and Kapha
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