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Everything You Should Know About Skin Disease





Skin is the largest organ of the body with a total area of about 20 sqft. The skin protect us from the microbes and the elements, helps to regulate body temperature and permits the sensations of touch, heat and cold. It consists of 3 layers namely: 1) Epidermis 2) Dermis 3) Hypodermis

Skin conditions:

Causes of skin diseases:

  1. Inadequate water intake
  2. Unbalanced eating hours
  3. Nutritional deficiencies
  4. Hormonal imbalance
  5. Chronic constipation
  6. Stress
  7. Inadequate sleep
  8. Improper skin cleaning


  1. Skin testing (Allergy testing)
  2. Skin biopsies
  3. Tuberculosis skin test


Allopathic skin treatments mainly depends on external applications of creams and sometimes on steroids.


According to Ayurveda diseases are manifested due to the imbalance between 3 doshas namely vata, pitta and Kapha. This imbalance may occur due to dietary problems or lifestyle issues, even stress can be an added factor

Vata predominant: Dry and rough rash with cracks and fissures

Pitta predominant: Redness, burning, pus formation, ulceration etc

Kapha predominant: Whitish discolouration , itching, swelling, retention of fluids etc


Correcting skin diseases require dietary changes to pacify the dosha affected. Good food can help to strengthen the digestive fire. This in turn blocks the formation of Ama or toxins that could harm the skin. The first step includes managing the inflammations and infections on the skin. The Ayurvedic skin management can be divided into 3 steps:

  1. Sodhana
  2. Samana
  3. Rasayana



This includes

  1. Poorva Karma:
  1. Pradhana karma:
  1. Raktha sodhana:

Blood letting can be done by leeches or others tools and techniques can be used to remove the vitiated blood from body.


The samana procedures include intake of medicines that will be helpful in maintaining the balance between doshas


And other applications like lepana, pariseka, avagaha, dhupana etc


This includes revitalization of skin after attaining detoxification of the skin system, which is damaged by this chronic disease deserve revitalization. Classically mentioned rasayana or nourishing drugs can be applied accordingly.


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