What Ayurveda Says About Food?

What Ayurveda Says About Food?

What Ayurveda say about food? Ayurveda, has always emphasized the importance of food in various contexts. Ayurveda explains that everything absorbed by five senses like Mouth (food, water), Nose (air), Ear (sound), Skin (Sunlight), Eyes (vision) is Food. The...
Hair Fall Treatments in Ayurveda

Hair Fall Treatments in Ayurveda

DOCTOR SPEAKS Dr A V Rajeev Nair, BAMS, MD (Ay) Chief Physician & CEO Every person experiences hairfall on daily basis as part of the body’s natural renewal cycle, but the problem arises when there is more hairfall and gradually scalp visualizing outside....


According to Ayurveda the personal constitution of a person or prakruthi (in sanskrit) is formulated by the condition of tridoshas at the time of union of sperm and ovum and It cannot be changed during our lifetime. Every person has the constitution with all three...
How Does Ayurveda Helps in Curing Diseases?

How Does Ayurveda Helps in Curing Diseases?

Ayurveda is based on the principle that diseases are nothing but excesses of one or more of the five primary elements (the body is made up of five primary elements, which also form the basis of the entire universe. The elements are ether (space), air, fire, water, and...
Ayurveda Way of Life

Ayurveda Way of Life

Ayurveda, is an ancient system of medicine, originated in India before 5,000 years. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words Ayur (life) and Veda (science or knowledge). Thus, the knowledge of life. Ayurveda advises us to blend our modern habits with the...
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