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ARTHRITIS is not a single disease. It describes more than 100 conditions that include inflammation and damage in the joints, the tissues around the joints and connective tissues. Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis.

More than 350 million people have arthritis globally. Around 23.46 million individuals in India had O.A in 1990; this increased to 62.35 million in 2019. The age standardized prevalence of OA increased from 4,895 in 1990 to 5,313 in 2019 per 1,00,000 persons. The prevalence and incidence for osteoarthritis and knee osteoarthritis were consistently higher in females than males.

The impact of osteoarthritis in India is increasing. Suitable measures should be adopted to control and prevent the risk factors of osteoarthritis. Ayurveda treatment for Arthritis plays an important role in managing the symptoms of arthritis.


  1. Obesity and Overweight – Over weight will be an added factor for degeneration of weight bearing joints like knee joint. Obesity causes added strain on joints.
  2. Weak muscles- under nourishment can cause weakness of muscles which results in decreased strength of joints.
  3. New or old injuries – injuries to joints or bones can result in arthritis and swelling. E.g. sports injury.
  4. Auto immune disorder – a fault in the immune system that causes the body to attack its own tissues in the joints.
  5. Hereditary or family history- arthritis can be inherited for example arthritis caused by a metabolic condition such as gout.
  6. Increasing age – as age progresses wear and tear of joints are common. The bones become more brittle leading to increased risk of fracture.
  7. Over use of legs affects joints activities that involve repetitive movements of a particular joint e.g., athletes, tailor
  8. Infection – Arthritis caused by an infection is called ‘reactive arthritis’. It is very difficult to diagnose and can develop at any age.


The symptoms of arthritis include:

Other types are

It is a chronic condition in which the joints become inflamed and damaged. The bones in the joints rub together which results in damage of joints and reduction in space between bones and causes pain, swelling, stiffness and reduced movements.

The mainly effected joints are knee joint, hip joint, finger joint and big toe. The symptoms include joint pain, joint stiffness, restricted joint movements, cracking sound on joint movements and less joint flexibility than before.

The main causes of osteoarthritis are being overweight, previous injury to joint, frequent kneeling, climbing and squatting, heavy weight lifting etc. It is diagnosed with the help of X-ray which will give a picture of the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis usually starts in the small joints of the hands and feet and it can effect the same joints on both sides at the same time.

It is more common in women than men. The mostly effected age group is from 40 yrs to 60 yrs. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be summed up as

This can be clinically diagnosed with signs and blood test namely RA factor.

It is more prevalent in men than women and it affects men above 40 years of age. Women usually get affected after menopause.

The risk factors include family history of gout, intake of diuretic for blood pressure or medicines of rheumatoid arthritis, having blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes and who had undergone gastric bypass surgery.

The signs and symptoms are pain and redness on joints, swelled joints. The attack last for 3 to 10 days. The Uric acid buildup lead to disfiguring lumps called tophi that form around the affected joint. When the uric acid crystals accumulate in the urinary tract they can cause kidney stones.

  1. HOW TO DIAGNOSE ARTHRITIS – A physician will be able to diagnose arthritis by physical examination. He / She will check for fluid around the joints, warm and red joints and document the range of motions in the joints.

Blood tests that check for anti-bodies like anti- cyclic citrullinated peptide (ccp), Rheumatoid factor (RF) and antinuclear anti body (ANA).

Imaging scans such as X-ray, MRI and CT scan also given a clear picture of bones and cartilages helps in ruling out arthritis.

  1. HOW TO TREAT ARTHRITIS– The main aim is to reduce the swelling and pain and to prevent further damage to the joints. The treatment includes giving medicines which are analgesics helps in pain management, NSAIDS helps in managing pain and inflammation, steroids like predinisone and immune suppressants for severe inflammatory arthritis like RA.

Supplements are advised for the patients like fish oi, turmeric supplement etc. Surgery is recommended in severe cases where the joint is replaced by artificial joint mainly on knees and hips. Another method is joint fusion which is done in fingers and wrists.

Physical therapy involves exercises which will strengthen the muscles around the joints and provide flexibility and balance to improve mobility.

Lifestyle changes – obesity is a risk factor of arthritis so the patient should maintain a moderate weight. A nutrient dense diet which includes anti-oxidants such as fruits and vegetables those helps in reducing inflammation can be preferred. The food to be avoided are fried foods, processed foods, dairy products and a high intake of meat. Smoking should be avoided. Regular exercise is a must for arthritis patients. Staying active is important but should not put pressure on your joints. Over exerting should be avoided.

  1. ARTHRITIS AYURVEDIC CORRELATION – One of the oldest records of the disease is a brief description in the Rigveda. Later Indian Ayurvedic physician named Madhava aacharya worte a full description of the disease under the name ‘Amavata’. In Ayurveda arthritis can be explained under ‘Amavata’ and ‘Vatarakta’.

Ayurvedic treatment for arthritis uses a defense strategy. It aims at root cause management.

The nidanas described earlier will result in poor strength of agni (digestive fire) and lead to formation of undigested food or ‘ama’. The aggravated doshas namely vata, pitta and kapha in the ama get localized in to a part of the stomach which either obstruct the movements in the abdomen or eliminated through upper and lower pathways of the alimentary tract.

The above nidanas will lead to production of aamarasa and aggravation of vata dosha which in turn results in sthanasamsraya that is movement of ama to the kapha sthana and sandhi (joints). This causes obstruction in the joints leading to joint pain. One type vata dosha named as vyana vayu propels the amarasa into systemic circulation which on reacting in the small joints leads to pain and swelling.

Arthritis ayurvedic treatment includes executing the defense strategy. The ayurvedic physician can identify the disequilibrium of doshas in the body and re-establish equilibrium and prevent disease manifestations in the first four stages of disease. The offense and defense strategies are to be employed when symptoms appear that is in the last two stages. The defense strategy of ayurveda arthritis treatment includes

Thus, this includes samana chikitsa and sodhana chikitsa. Samana chikitsa can be attained by giving medicaments. The common medicines given for rheumatoid arthritis treatment in India include

It helps in pacifying the vata dosha.

The sodhana treatment includes panchakarma therapies. The elimination of aggravated dosha and aama from the body can be achieved by performing panchakarma therapies. The main panchakarma to be done is vasti. Prior to the vasti karma, poorvakarma such as snehena and swedana has to be done with oils and ghees namely chinchadi tailam, pinda tailam, guggulu thikthaka ghritam, rasnadi ghritam etc. Kashaya vasti and anuvasana vasti are performed. Various herbs used for vasti are dasamoola, rasna, bala, aswagandha etc. For anuvasana vasti panchakola ghrita, aswagandha ghrita, dhawantara taila etc are used.

DIET is also as important as therapies for an amavata patient. The diet should be smaller in amount, easy to digest and consumed when the Agni is high. The high Agni level can be clinically manifested by increased appetite and low Agni as lack of appetite and feeling of abdominal heaviness. A diet which is predominantly containing bitter and astringent taste is beneficial as they have antioxidant property.

Pathya aahara (Recommended foods)

Apathya aahara (Foods to avoid)

LIFESTYLE – Life style changes is an important component in the management of amavata through ayurveda. The sedentary lifestyle needs to be changed to active lifestyle. That means exercising daily for a fixed period of duration is as important as medicines, at the same time do not over exert.

Exercising immediately after the food intake should be avoided as it may lead to indigestion. Proper sleep is a must for reducing excessive stress which is one among the factors for imporper digestion. Using warm water for bath is another important lifestyle change to be followed.


Yogasanas meditations and pranayama needs to be followed. The yogasanas will helps in improving joint movements, reducing stiffness and improving flexibility and range of motion of joints. The yogasanas include:

The practice of meditation and pranayama helps in relieving excessive stress and improves sleep. This is very important for improving the agni and thus preventing the production of amarasa which is the main reason for amavata.

Agni Ayurvedic Village provides the Best arthritis treatment in India. The arthritis is managed here in a classical way in which the first step includes deepana and pachana. This denotes improving the digestion and agni of the patient. This is followed by samana and sodhana chikitsa under the supervision of ayurvedic physicians from Kerala. Along with ayurvedic therapies, we give emphasize to yoga practices which is under the guidance of our yoga instructor. We also give importance to diet ,personalized and customized diet will be provided to the patient. All these factors will help the patient to recover fast from amavata or arthritis.

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