In today’s fast paced and demanding world stress is the most inevitable and most unwanted companion. According to WHO Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree. The way we respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to our overall well-being. As far as the body can handle the stress, it only acts as a stimulus for the personal and mental progress, it is called eustress. It becomes distress when the body is not able to manage the stress. Distress manifests as many clinical signs like hypertension, peptic ulcer, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, behavioral disorders like stress anxiety for a long period.


Acute stress is a kind of fight flight reaction of the body.it is the reaction to the immediate threat .Under most circumstances ,when the acute stress has passed then the response becomes inactivated and stress hormone levels reduces.


Rather than a fight flight reaction there are situations where you need to act, and to take the stress for a longer period of time due to the circumstances. Like that of work pressure, relationship problems etc.

Stress can be manifested differently in different individuals. Some may only have only short term problems, but some may end up with long term complications and need medical assistance


The generalized symptoms include the change in the sleeping patterns, pain, headache,generalized weakness. Along with behavioral symptoms like appetite changes, nail biting, increased dependency on alcohol ,smoking etc.lack of concentration, difficulty in making decisions, mental delirium, includes the mental symptoms. The stress can lead someone into depression also. 

The  stress management in Ayurveda includes:

  • Nidana parivarjana 
  • Panchakarma
  • Yoga, meditation

In ayurveda stress is correlated to sahasa and the first line of treatment is to avoid the situations that cause the stress , called the nidana parivarjana. Also by increasing the coping capacity of the body. The coping capacity of the body can be increased by changing the lifestyle, dietary patterns, following the sadvrutta that mentioned in ayurveda samhithas and with yoga and meditations. Ayurveda treatment for stress and anxiety helps individuals to deal with this situation easily.


Panchakarma helps in balancing the doshas(vata,pitta, kapha) and relaxing the body and mind . 


The procedure involves the application of  medicated oil in the body that helps in the removal of the toxins from the body and promotes relaxation. It not only acts as a relaxation technique but also acts as a rejuvenative practice priming your body to function optimally.


The procedure involves the pouring of  warm medicated oil in the head , that soothes and stimulates the hypothalamus, and reduces stress and induces sleep.


Nasyam involves the instillation of medicines through the nostrils. In ayurveda, the nose is considered as the passage towards the head ( nasa shiraso dwarm),and as the best treatment for the diseases of the structures above the clavicle . It helps in  stimulating the vital centers of the head and relieves stress.


Yoga is the form of exercise that not only offers physical fitness but also it is a profound spiritual and mental journey. By incorporating the breathing patterns along with the body movements yoga provides another level of relaxation and calmness. Along with that the pranayama and meditation techniques also help with relaxation.


Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach for the management of stress with panchakarma ,yoga,along with some lifestyle modifications and dietary . By embracing ayurvedic principles individuals can cultivate deeper connections with themselves and manage stress effectively ,leading to healthier, more balanced lives.

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