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Ayurveda Has An Effective Treatment For Sthoulyam (Body Weight)

weightloss ayurvedic treatment

weightloss ayurvedic treatment

weight loss


In recent years youth are prone to lifestyle diseases. Junk foods, edentary lifestyle are the main reasons for obesity. It is the condition in which excess body fat has accumulated and it has a negative effect on health. Obesity increases the risk of development of Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis, Depression, etc. According to Ayurveda, Sthoulya comes under Santharpanajanya vyadhis. Ayurveda has effective treatments for weight loss and improving the quality of life.

Presenting complaints:

H/O Presenting complaints:

A 46 years old female patient came to OPD with complaints of increased body weight since 6 years, associated with b/l knee joint pain, stiffness and swelling. Not a known case of DM, HTN, PCOS, Hyperthyroidism. Dasavidhapariksha and Ashtasthanapariksha of the patient was done . X-ray of b/l knee joints was done which revealed degenerative changes. Her BMI was 31.3. On examination, of knee joints, Swelling ++ present, movements were restricted and painful.

Vital Parameters:

BP: 130/80mm of hg           Pulse: 80/min

Height: 162cm                       Weight:82 Kg                BMI:31.3

CC: 104cm                               WC: 112cm                    HC:125cm

MAC: Rt-30cm, Lt-31cm                          MTC: Rt-55cm, Lt-53cm

Ahara: Mixed diet

Vihara: No exercises, Day sleep

Appetite: Good

Micturition: Normal

Bowel: Normal

Sleep: Good

Genereal Systemic examination:

Gait: Normal                    GC: Normal          CVS: S1S2 heard

CNS: Oriented to place and time

RS: NVBS heard                           PA: Soft, No organomegaly


HB: 11%

ESR: 48 mm/hr

FBS: 92 mg/dl

Uric Acid: 3.2 mg/dl

Total Cholesterol: 179 mg/dl

HDL: 83 mg/dl

LDL: 86.1 mg/dl

Triglycerides: 199mg/dl

VLDL: 40.2 mg/dl


Dasavidha Pariksha:

Prakruthi: Kapha vata

Vikrutha Dosha: kapha Vata

Dushya:Rasa, Mamsa, Medas, Asti, Majja

Sara: Medosara

Samhanana: Pravara

Satva: Madhyama

Aharasakthi: Abhyavaharanasakthi- Pravara

Jaranasakthi- Pravara

Vyayamasakthi: Madhyama

Vaya: Sampoornatha

Pramana: Pravara

Ashtavidha Pariksha:

Nadi: Vridha

Mala: Nirama

Mutra: Sadharana

Jihwa: Raktavarna

Sabda: Sadharana

Sparsha: Anushnasita

Drik: Sadharana

Akruthi: Ati

Nidana Panchaka:

Nidana: Ahara – Snigdha, Madhurarasa pradhana aharas

Vihara – Avyayamas, Divaswapna

Purvarupa: Excess fat deposition in lower abdomen

Rupa: Increased body weight, excess fat deposition in buttocks, thighs, lower abdomen, knee joint pain

Upasaya- Less food intake and exercises

Anupasaya- More intake of foods

Samprapthi Gataka:

Dosha: Kapha Vata

Dushya: Rasa, Mamsa, Medas, Asti, Majja

Agni: Jataragni, Dhatwagni

Ama: Sama

Srotas: Dhatuvaha

Srotodushtiprakara: Atipravrithi and Sanga

Sadhyasadhyata: Krichrasadhya

Samprapthi Flow Chart:


(Ahara, Vihara)                     Shoola, Stambha, Sopha

↓                                                 ↑

Kapha Vridhi                          Janusandhigatam

↓    (Srotorodha)                      ↑

Medodhatudushti                        Astimajjadushti

↓                                                ↑

Sarvashareeragata                  Janusandhigata

↓                                         ↑(Kapha avarana)

Sthoulya→ Srotorodha→Vatakopa



1. Sthoulya

  1.   Janusandhigata Vata

Treatments given FOR WEIGHT LOSS:

By considering the agnibala of the patient, treatments given as follows. Started with Snehapana. Sthanika Choornapindasweda and Lepa has been given for knee joints for reducing the inflammation. Along with the medication started shamanoushadhas, weight loss diet and Yoga sessions.

1-8 days

Snehapana for 5 days

Abhyanga and Bashpasweda for 2 days


9- 21 days




Sthanika choornapindasweda






Outcome scales after 21 days of treatment:

Symptoms Before treatment After treatment
Weight 82Kg 73Kg
WC 112cm 108cm
HC 125cm 121cm
CC 104cm 103cm
MAC Rt-30cm, Lt-31cm Rt-26cm, Lt-28cm
MTC Rt-55cm, Lt-53cm Rt-53cm, Lt-50cm
BMI 31.3 27.8
Pain in Knee joints High Low
Swelling in knee joints High Absent
Stiffness of knee joints High Low


After 21 days of admitted treatment, the patient’s weight has reduced to 73 kg (9 kg ). Her knee joint pain and swelling has reduced significantly. Joint flexibility has improved. She has been advised to continue internal medications, diet and exercises for one more month.

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