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Ayurveda for GERD: Harmonizing Digestion and Well-Being

Ayurvedic Acid Reflux Treatment


Gastro intestinal reflux disease (GERD) is one among the common gastric problems now a days. Faulty diet and lifestyle changes are the root cause of the disease. In modern medicine the condition is managed by antacids, histamine receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors etc. Further chronic situations are managed by surgical interventions such as anti-reflux surgery. In this blog we delve into the principles of ayurveda and how its offers effective strategies for managing GERD.

GERD manifests as heart burn, regurgitation, epigastric pain, dyspepsia, nausea, bloating, chest pain, laryngitis, dental erosions, etc.  In chronic stages erosions, ulcerations, stricture and columnar metaplastic changes can occur in oesophagus. The common reason behind GERD is the reduced lower oesophageal sphincter tone, which allows the reflux of the gastric content into the oesophagus. The synchronisation of defective oesophageal peristalsis activity and delayed gastric emptying can also cause reflux due to frequent episodes of inappropriate sphincter relaxation.

Understanding GERD in Ayurveda

In ayurveda this condition can be correlated to amlapitta more specifically urdwada amlapitta. It is one among the annavaha sroṭhas (digestive system) disorder that develops in amashsya (stomach) due to vitiated pitta dosha. The Ayurveda gastritis treatment of urdwaga amlapitta includes


Nidana parivarjanam (avoidance of etiological factors)

Avoiding the causative factors is the primary line of treatment in any disease. Here in the case of amlapitta any factors that increasing the pitta in the body should be avoided. Food items like spicy junk foods, excessive intake of tea and coffee, alcohol consumption should be avoided.  Emotional stress increases the sensitivity of oesophagus, hence worsens the condition. So, manging the mental stress helps to improve the condition.

Sodhana treatments (detoxification therapy)

The main aim of the shodana treatment is to improve the oesophageal mobility and lower oesophageal sphincter tone by pacifying vata dosha.


Virechana involves the controlled purgation to remove the toxins from the body. It helps with maintaining the balance of pitta dosha also helps with the elimination of kapha dosha. So that the procedure helps to improve the symptoms like heart burn, regurgitation, chest pain etc.


Vamana is the detoxification therapy in ayurveda in which the toxins are eliminated through controlled medicated vomiting technique. By assessing the strength of patient, it is advised to do vamana therapy in amlapitta condition. It is the ideal treatment to perform to get significant relief from the symptoms.

Shamana treatment:

Shamana treatment includes the internal medications that helps in pacifying the pitta and vata doshas. Medicinal preparations that helps in in lowering the production of gastric acid neutralizing the excess gastric acid that secreted helps with improving the condition.

       Along with the ayurvedic treatment procedures following a wholesome food and regime helps with the better management of the condition. Dietary modifications include avoiding spicy, sour, salty substances, junk foods and fried items, avoid over eating and try to have small frequent meals, add more vegetables and fruits like ash guard, pumpkin, watermelon, coconut water into the diet, ensure adequate intake of water, reduce the excessive intake of coffee, tea, alcohol. Practice yoga, pranayama and meditations for reducing stress and anxiety.

 Over all Ayurveda offers a comprehensive approach to managing GERD by addressing the root cause, incorporating detoxification therapies, herbal medicines, dietary changes and yoga.  

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